Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bloggy Titles

Most of us don't get to choose our own names we are born into them or marry into them. BUT we do get to choose our screen names. I have long been facinated by some of the creative names that have passed through my mail box. Okay so I'm the one person that reads bumper stickers and tries to figure out vanity plates. One statement on vanity plates if you can't fiqure them out, why bother? But I digress, over the summer I participated in the Dog Days of Summer give-away and was amazed at the creative titles my bloggy friends had chosen for their blogs. Some were serious or spiritual, others were just outrageously funny but most expressed something about the author. The give away was hosted by Rocks in My Dryer. Case in point the title Rocks in My Dryer, if you have small children -particularly man cubs you have certainly had rocks in your dryer. Some of these creative titles made me smile. Maybe you could use a smile. So here's a few I liked. I am sure at least one will make you smile.
Stretch Mark Momma
Desperately Seeking Sanity
Fresh Brewed Writer
It Coulda Been Worse
Monkey Giggles
Junk in the Trunk
You Can't Unscramble Eggs
Whatcha do Today?
After a Cup of Coffee...or Two
A Frog in My Soup
Antique Mommy
Between Diapers and Dishes
Chocolate the Other White Meat
Conversations With My Hair Dryer
and my personal favorite...Mommy The Human Napkin! Blessings,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A funny one I saw...


Vicki SHS